Blog57 1 scaled

Project Implementation Phases and Strategy

Introduction Blending operations are important yet delicate tasks. They involve mixing components, tank allocation, blending of stock products, storage, and product delivery. A well-structured schedule will therefore maximize profit by reducing the cost of transition and improving order delivery. In

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Blog56 1 scaled

Product Blending

Introduction A refinery produces many blended products to fit requirements. These include asphalt, distillate fuel oil, finished motor gasoline, finished aviation gasoline, kerosene, kerosene-type jet fuel, liquefied refinery gases, lubricants, naphtha-type jet fuel, petrochemical feedstock, miscellaneous products, and other oils.

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Blog55 1 scaled

Problems and Challenges of Offsite Operations

Introduction As technology advances, so does the market demand. As air pollution is a major concern, the market now demands that petroleum products reduce this air pollution. Along with that, the change in-car technology also demands better petroleum byproducts for

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